As BDTA is under Bahagian Perkembangan Sumber Tenaga Manusia (BPSTM), with the upgrading of BPSTM to Jabatan Pengurusan Pendidik (JPP), the scope, function and role of BDTA is expanded with the creation of two more training programmes, namely the School Leadership Programmes which has been absorbed from the Institute of Leadership Innovation Advancement (ILIA), University Brunei Darussalam and the new Education Specialist Programmes was established. With the new structure and functions, this will involve reforms and improvement of the educator management system, BDTA now has a greater role to provide and implement professional development training programmes that are not only focused on educators, but also on school-based leaders. competence, performance and maintaining the values of Malay Islamic Monarchy towards 21st century skills, life-long learning and Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Brunei Darussalam Teacher Academy (BDTA) has change to the Brunei Darussalam Leadership and Teacher Academy (BDLTA) with the establishment of three programmes namely School Leadership Programmes, Teachers Professional Development Programmes and Education Specialist Programmes. With this organisational reform, some changes and adjustments will be implemented as follows:
- School Leadership Programmes – The School Leadership Programmes run by Ministry of Education officials assisted at the Institute of Leadership, Innovation and Advancement (ILIA), Universiti Brunei Darussalam since 2010, has been absorbed into BDLTA. The School Leadership Programmes are conducted based on competency in line with the Brunei Darussalam School Leadership Standard and the Competency Framework for School Leaders;
- Teachers Professional Development Programmes – Teachers Professional Development Programmes are currently competency-based in accordance with Brunei Teachers Standards-Teacher Performance Appraisal 2.0 (BTS-TPA 2.0) for teachers; and
- Education Specialist Programmes – Education Specialist Programmes which will be conducted by officials of the Ministry of Education starting in 2022 in collaboration with the Departments and Centers concerned. This professional training is based on Generic and Specialized Competencies for educators who have the potential to become educational experts in the field of specialisations that have been identified by the Ministry of Education.
Overall, the programmes under BDLTA will work together to improve the quality of the profession and the competencies of school leaders, teachers and education experts through continuous professional development training programmes for human resource excellence according to the latest educational trends.

During the 23rd Teachers’ Day Celebration 2013, in His Majesty the Sultan dan Yang Di- Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s Titah, he expressed His desire:
“Memang tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa guru memainkan peranan besar dalam melahirkan rakyat yang berpengetahuan lagi berkemahiran tinggi. Di sinilah kita dapat memahami betapa besarnya tanggungjawab seorang guru itu. Kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa kualiti sesuatu system pendidikan tidaklah akan melebihi kualiti guru-gurunya sendiri. Lihatlah betapa hebatnya peranan guru di sini sebagai penjana kecemerlangan sesuatu sistem pendidikan. Dalam perkara ini kerajaan beta akan terus komited untuk membuat pelaburan besar terhadap perkembangan profesionalisme para guru di negara ini. Beta gembira mengikuti Tenaga Pengajaran yang turut mengenal pasti usaha-usaha ke arah merealisasikan visi Kementerian Pendidikan. Beta juga difahamkan bahawa penubuhan Brunei Darussalam Teacher Academy (BDTA) adalah sangat membantu untuk mengembangkan lagi kemahiran-kemahiran fundamental para guru. Demikian juga melaluinya akan bolehkan kita mengukur sejauh mana tahap piawaian guru-guru di Brunei lebih profesional dan sistematik.”